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A container for panes or nested pane groups.

The PaneGroup component wraps a collection of panes or nested PaneGroups and is used to initialize and manage the layout of the panes.


type: string | null
The id to use when storing the layout of the panes in local storage. If provided, the layout will be saved to local storage when it changes. If not provided, the layout will not be saved.
type: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'

The direction of the panes in the group. If set to 'horizontal', the panes will be arranged side by side. If set to 'vertical', the panes will be arranged one on top of the other.

type: number | null
The amount of space to add to the pane group when the keyboard resize event is triggered. If not provided, the default value is used.
type: (layout: number[]) => void | null
A callback that is called when the layout of the panes in the group changes. The layout is an array of numbers representing the size of each pane in pixels.
type: PaneGroupStorage
The storage object to use for saving the layout of the panes in the group.
type: HTMLElement | null

The underlying DOM element of the pane group. You can bind to this prop to get a reference to the element.

type: typeof PaneGroup

Imperative API for the pane group. bind to this prop to get access to methods for controlling the pane group.

Persisted Layouts/Storage

When the PaneGroup component is provided with an autoSaveId prop, it will automatically save the layout of the panes to local storage. If you want to use a different storage mechanism, you can provide a storage prop with a custom storage object that implements the PaneGroupStorage interface.

		export type PaneGroupStorage = {
	/** Retrieves the item from storage */
	getItem(name: string): string | null;
	/** Sets the item to storage */
	setItem(name: string, value: string): void;

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available for the PaneGroup component:

		export type PaneGroupAttributes = {
	/** Applied to every pane group element. */
	"data-pane-group": "";
	/** The direction of the pane group. */
	"data-direction": "horizontal" | "vertical";
	/** The ID of the pane group. */
	"data-pane-group-id": string;